ronbun yomu



Kyou-Dong Ahn, 2020. From honor to disparagement: The grammaticalization of -tapsiko in Korean

Kyou-Dong Ahn, 2020. From honor to disparagement: The grammaticalization of -tapsiko in Korean. Journal of Pragmatics 155, 28-42. 要旨 韓国語には話し手の主観的態度を伝えるカテゴリーがあり、その中に、複合的に、軽蔑的な意(pejorative)を示す…

Seongha Rhee, Hyun Jung Koo, 2020. From quotation to surprise: The case in Korean

Seongha Rhee, Hyun Jung Koo, 2020. From quotation to surprise: The case in Korean. Journal of Pragmatics 155, 83-100. 要点 韓国語の mirativity を表す終助詞、 -tani などの発達について考えたい。 ku-ka cwuk-ess-tani! he-NOM die-PST-MIR ‘That …

Seongha, Rhee, 2012.5. Context-induced reinterpretation and (inter)subjectification: the case of grammaticalization of sentence-final particles

Seongha, Rhee. 2012.5. Context-induced reinterpretation and (inter)subjectification: the case of grammaticalization of sentence-final particles. Language Sciences 34(3), 284-300. (コンテクストが誘発する再解釈と(間)主観化:終助詞の文法化…